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Nick Tomkins - Unmatched Quality

Brisbane Bagpiper - Nick Tomkins- has an extensive piping resume including solo success at Open level, Pipe Major of City of Ipswich Pipe Band, player with Grade 1 Manawatu Scottish Pipe Band and tutored by world renowned Bob Worrall.


Located in Brisbane, Queensland Brisbane Bagpiper offers professional bagpiping services throughout South East Qld and Northern NSW.


Brisbane Bagpiper also offers a range of bagpiping products for unbeatable prices.

We understand that every event requires a unique touch. Whether is it weddings, funerals, parties, corporate or community events, we customises our services to your requirements. We offer a wide tune selection, a range of dress options, and can accommodate any request you may have.


We offer bagpipe lessons via skype or in person for beginners through to advanced players, specialising in youth tuition. We also provide bagpipe sales and maintenance to cater for any budget.

The Bagpipe Shop

Follow our Brisbane Bagpiper blog to get some idea's on how to incorporate a bagpiper into your event.


We also keep you up to date on bagpiping news, and provide some handy tips and reviews for those bagpipers who want to take their piping to the next level.


You will also find photo's of our adventures and some of the events we play at in our gallery.

Brisbane Bagpiper, Weddings, Funerals, Events, Bagpipes, Brisbane, Music
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